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The Slovak engineering company of technologies for the development of biomass reuse is looking for foreign distributors and partners.


Profile Type
Business Offer
POD Reference
Term of Validity
22 May 2024 - 22 May 2025
Company's Country
Type of partnership
Commercial agreementSupplier agreement
Targeted Countries
All countries
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General information

Short Summary
A Slovak company originally from Ukraine, a manufacturer of engineering technology for the automation of animal feeding and care processes, manure recycling and consumer supply, is looking for distributors and partners (animal farms and biogas stations) in EU countries.
Full Description
The company was originally from Ukraine, but due to war actions it was moved to a neighboring country and since that time it has been located and registered in Bratislava, Slovakia.

The entire production cycle of equipment and technologies is carried out at the company's production facility. Prototype tests and laboratory checks are held by the company's team.

The company has more than 15 workers, including an engineering team, software development team, microbiologist, marketing and management team.

The company has two main projects: the first one is to improve animal forage feeding processes, and the second project is the development of the reuse of manure as raw material for the production of biogas.

The company is looking for partners for the second project, manure management technology. The first pilot projects of this technology are being launched in Germany and Slovakia this year. By 2025, the company plans to expand to all EU and UK markets. Plan for global expansion in 2026.
Advantages and Innovations
The technology aims to recategorize manure from waste into a resource that can be, firstly, reused as biomass and, secondly, recycled as organic fertilizer. This technology makes manure disposal sustainable and cost-effective.

Several stages provide technology and are held by the company's team: project planning, documentation preparation, contract signing, equipment production and installation, manure processing, certification and transportation. Thus technology covers all stages from the place of manure accumulation to the place of reuse.

The technology closes the problem of loss of important elements for biogas production. During long-term storage, in improper conditions, in the process of microbiological reactions, the decay of certain elements and the release of gases occur.

Gases, in turn, affect the temperature rise, which influences climate change. Dividing manure into 2 fractions (solid and liquid) helps slow down the process to ensure needed elements in manure for producing biogas and secure storage areas. Special filters help to prevent GHG emissions.

Fractions are stored separately and delivered in special containers to the biogas plant. Inbuilt indicators show container fullness to plan transportation timely. After feedstock delivery, it is used in the process of producing biogas through anaerobic digestion. Afterward, the rest of the material forms digestate, which can be recycled as organic fertilizer on agro farms.

The technology is designed with high-quality materials, cutting-edge developments, IoT technologies and disruptive design.

Currently, there are no analogues of this technology on the market, technology doesn’t have direct competitors. There are only partial solutions available on the market.

Technology aligns with most world developing programs and initiatives, such as Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), World Economic Forum's "Biodivercities by 2030", Renewable Energy Directive (RED III), European Green Deal, REPowerEU ...
Stage of Development
Available for demonstration
Sustainable Development Goals
Goal 13: Climate ActionGoal 9: Industry, Innovation and InfrastructureGoal 7: Affordable and Clean Energy

Partner Sought

Expected Role of a Partner
The company's distributor acts as an integrator in a foreign country.

The key areas of cooperation with the distributor are:
1) Implementation of technology in the regions of the country based on the information provided, as well as in accordance with working guidelines

2) Involvement of the country's state institutions in the implementation of our technologies. Technology that becomes a new element of farmers' income. Technology that creates standards for biomass storage and utilisation.

3) Integration with farmers' associations and biogas producers. Conducting educational seminars on all aspects of the technology.

4) Cooperation with local banking institutions to develop mechanisms for financing the technology within the country.

5) Cooperation with local businesses that provide the services or goods we need.

The distributor primarily focuses on identifying and connecting with prospective clients who can benefit from the company's technologies.
In return, the distributor will receive a cutting-edge solution for clients, enhancing the value proposition and developing manure trading in the region. Distributor can assure their clients of receiving exceptional support and solutions through our turnkey service approach. From the company's side, all needed assistance will be provided and special training at the beginning of the cooperation will be held.

The company is looking for reliable distributors to establish a long-term relationship.
Type and Size of Partner
SME 11-49SME 50 - 249Big company
Type of partnership
Commercial agreementSupplier agreement

Call details

Coordinator required


Market keywords
08002001 - Energy management06003009 - Biomass and Biofuels08004004 - Other pollution and recycling related08003007 - Other industrial equipment and machinery09005 - Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, Animal Husbandry & Related Products
Sector Groups Involved
Renewable Energy
Targeted countries
All countries
