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Small company active in the field of distribution of food supplements is looking for consultancy services in the field of market entry (Commercial agreement)


Profile Type
  • Business request
POD Reference
Term of Validity
8 July 2024 - 8 July 2025
Company's Country
  • Germany
Type of partnership
  • Commercial agreement
Targeted Countries
  • All countries
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General information

Short Summary
A small German business in the field of food supplements is looking for market entry services for European markets in the framework of a commercial agreement
Full Description
A Berlin based small German company is specialized in the distribution of food supplements to resellers and pharmacy wholesalers. So far, their focus is Germany and Austria, and they are interested in distributing their products in other EU countries via pharmacy wholesalers and online pharmacies. The countries in which the company is most interested in are Finland, France, Italy, Portugal and Hungary. (As they already have found partners in Spain, Poland and Turkey, they are not looking for partners in those countries.)

Therefore, they are looking for a partner that could provide market entry services in the framework of a commercial agreement. Potential partners could be small consulting businesses or freelancers that offer the following services for a fee:
- Overview of the relevant legal requirements for the corresponding country
- Taking care of legal and administrative requirements and formalities in the specific country
- Listing the wholesale trade and implementation of the specifications
- Registration in the relevant recycling system if necessary

A potential partner should be able to communicate in the language of the target country and in English (or German).
Sustainable Development Goals
  • Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being
IPR description
Partners are expected to bring expertise in the field of legal framework of the supplements market and the administrative tasks that need to be fulfilled.

Partner Sought

Expected Role of a Partner
Potential partners could be small consulting companies or freelancers that have expertise in the field of market entry in the supplements market.
Type and Size of Partner
  • Other
  • SME <=10
Type of partnership
  • Commercial agreement


Market keywords
  • 07002001 - Drug stores
  • 07004002 - Health and beauty aids
  • 07003002 - Health food
Sector Groups Involved
  • Health
Targeted countries
  • All countries