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Spanish coordinator (an international NGO) is seeking partners for CREA-CROSS-2024-MEDIALITERACY


Closed for EoI
Profile Type
Research & Development Request
POD Reference
Term of Validity
13 February 2024 - 12 February 2025
Company's Country
Type of partnership
Research and development cooperation agreement
Targeted Countries
All countries
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General information

Short Summary
In an era defined by a rapidly evolving media landscape, there is a clear need to fortify the resilience of journalists, media outlets and educators against the proliferation of disinformation and fake news.

This project responds to the challenges posed by the transformation of the media ecosystem, exacerbated by online platform expansion and advanced technology integration.

The proposed initiative aims to enhance media literacy, arming media professionals with tools to combat misinformation.
Full Description
In an era characterised by a rapidly evolving media scene, there is a clear need to strengthen the resilience of journalists, media outlets and educators in the face of the proliferation of disinformation and fake news. The rapid transformation of the media ecosystem, exacerbated by the expansion of online platforms and the integration of advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, has given way to new challenges that undermine the integrity of information and erode public trust in the media. This challenge is not confined to specific cultural or linguistic borders, but requires collaboration and exchange of best practices at European level.

The proposed project emerges as a comprehensive and collaborative response to improve the media literacy of the aforementioned groups, as they are ultimately responsible for the dissemination of news and data. Media, journalists and media trainers need to be given the tools to identify, counteract and anticipate misinformation. The genesis of this initiative arises from the coordinator’s extensive 22-year experience in executing national and European projects dedicated to media literacy.

The project's commitment aligns with the broader global agenda of sustainable development, contributing to SDGs 4, 8, 10, and 17 - Quality Education, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Reduced Inequalities, and Partnerships for the Goals, respectively. The ultimate goal is to empower individuals, foster economic growth, and facilitate social inclusion by equipping them with the necessary tools to navigate the evolving media landscape and counteract the pervasive threat of misinformation.

The general objective of the project is to reinforce the media literacy of information professionals - journalists, communication agencies, journalism teachers - through training resources that provide them with tools to anticipate, identify and counteract disinformation, improving not only their professional work but also benefiting society as a whole.

Other objectives are:
- Identify the needs of information and communication professionals with regard to the threat of disinformation and fake news.
- Provide professionals with literacy resources towards detecting misinformation.
- Promote dialogue between information professionals and citizens to raise awareness of the risks of malicious information and how to prevent them.
- Generate online learning spaces and best practices for media professionals.
- Increase awareness about the project in society to sensitise professionals and citizens.

Initial WP description: (Subject to change)

WP1. Project Management

WP2. Needs Identification
• Field Research: Conduct surveys and interviews with journalists and communication professionals to understand their specific needs and challenges in identifying fake news.Consult with misinformation experts to gather insights on current trends and best practices.
• Citizen Engagement: Survey citizens to comprehend their perception of fake news and willingness to participate in the fight against misinformation. Organise focus groups to explore how citizens consume and share information online.

WP3. Development of Materials:
• Collaborate with misinformation experts and educators to create educational materials, guides, and tutorials for journalists and communication professionals.
• Design visual and multimedia resources to make information accessible and engaging.

WP4. Online Platform Development

WP5. Toolkit and Platform Validation

WP6. Training Activities
• Workshop Planning: Develop detailed plans for workshops targeting both journalists and citizens. Identify relevant topics and learning objectives for each workshop.
• Workshop Execution: Conduct workshops with journalists, fostering a dialogue on fake news identification and prevention. Organise citizen-focused workshops to promote awareness and engage in a two-way conversation.
• Feedback Collection.

WP7. Dissemination and Communication
Advantages and Innovations
The project focuses on empowering communication professionals, recognizing them as pivotal players in the information ecosystem. By enhancing their skills, the project directly strengthens the frontlines against fake news.

Through targeted field research and engagement with journalists, the project gains an in-depth understanding of the challenges these professionals face. This enables tailored solutions that address specific needs within the industry.

The project mitigates journalistic vulnerability, by acknowledging journalists as potential victims of misinformation from their sources. This innovative approach safeguards not only the professionals themselves but also the integrity of the information they disseminate.

Tailored Educational Resources: The project’s collaboration with misinformation experts and the development of educational resources tailored for journalists demonstrate a commitment to addressing the unique challenges faced by this professional group. This tailored approach enhances the practical relevance of the training.

The online platform serves as a centralized hub, providing journalists and communication professionals easy access to educational materials, fact-checking tools, and multimedia resources. This consolidation streamlines information retrieval and enhances the efficiency of combating misinformation.

The project adopts a dialogical approach that fosters meaningful conversations between citizens and journalists. Recognizing that misinformation impacts both end-users and frontline professionals, this approach ensures a collaborative effort to combat fake news.

Workshops are designed as spaces for two-way learning, where citizens and journalists actively engage in discussions. This innovative design ensures that participants learn from each other's experiences, fostering a deeper understanding of the impact of misinformation.
Stage of Development
Under development
Sustainable Development Goals
Goal 1: No PovertyGoal 16: Peace and Justice Strong InstitutionsGoal 10: Reduced InequalityGoal 5: Gender EqualityGoal 4: Quality EducationGoal 8: Decent Work and Economic GrowthGoal 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal

Partner Sought

Expected Role of a Partner

• Universities play a critical role in the Desk Research Work Package, in addition to developing and executing methodologies for interviews and surveys, targeting profesisonals and teachers of communication environment. Their expertise contributes to the in-depth analysis of existing literature, academic papers, and case studies related to misinformation.

Fact-checker, and Experts in Misinformation:

• Misinformation experts and educators are pivotal partners who contribute into the evolving landscape of misinformation. Their role involves collaborating in the creation of educational materials, fact-checking methodologies, and best practices for journalists.
Type and Size of Partner
R&D InstitutionSME 50 - 249UniversityOtherSME 11-49
Type of partnership
Research and development cooperation agreement

Call details

Framework program
Europe in a changing world – inclusive, innovative and reflective Societies
Call title and identifier
Submission and evaluation scheme
07 March 2024
Anticipated project budget
Coordinator required
Deadline for EoI
Deadline of the call
Project duration in weeks
Web link to the call…


Market keywords
01006005 - Other communications (not elsewhere classified)
Targeted countries
All countries