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A Spanish Council of Municipalities seeks Interreg NEXT MED Programme project proposals to develop and implement advanced telemetry solutions and water management models, using digital technologies such as Big Data and AI.


Profile Type
Research & Development Request
POD Reference
Term of Validity
23 May 2024 - 23 May 2025
Company's Country
Type of partnership
Research and development cooperation agreement
Targeted Countries
All countries
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General information

Short Summary
A Spanish Council of Municipalities seeks to participate in Interreg NEXT MED Programme project proposals that develop and implement advanced telemetry solutions and water management models, using new information technologies such as Big Data and artificial intelligence. Additionally, the project aims to integrate studies on the impact of climate change on water resources and improve energy efficiency throughout the water cycle.
Full Description
A Spanish Council of Municipalities seeks to participate in Interreg NEXT MED Programme project proposals that develop and implement advanced telemetry solutions and water management models, using new information technologies such as Big Data and artificial intelligence. Additionally, the project aims to integrate studies on the impact of climate change on water resources and improve energy efficiency throughout the water cycle.

The Council is equipped with an advanced network of over 600 telemetry stations and a robust information system. They seek to participate in projects that not only improve sustainable water management and climate resilience but also contribute to the knowledge and mitigation of climate change. This commitment includes conducting specific studies to understand how climate change affects local and regional water resources.

Additionally, the project will seek to implement technologies and practices that increase energy efficiency throughout the water cycle, from collection to treatment and distribution, using technologies to reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions.

This project is an opportunity to share knowledge about natural water-related risks and transfer learnings from other regions to our territory, enhancing services and promoting knowledge transfer with other partners.
Advantages and Innovations
This Spanish Provincial Council is interested in developing a project that could present several significant innovations compared to existing solutions in the market, primarily in technological and economic areas:

• Advanced Mathematical Models: It is planned to use cutting-edge mathematical models for the prediction and management of groundwater. These models aim to surpass traditional ones due to their ability to integrate changing climate variables and their interaction with aquifers more accurately.

• Enhanced Telemetry: The development of advanced sensor technology and real-time data transmission systems is proposed, which would allow for more efficient and continuous monitoring of water levels, quality, and other critical indicators, surpassing current market capabilities.

• Water Use Optimization: The application of the projected models could help prevent the overexploitation of water resources, resulting in more sustainable and economical water use.

• Social Impact: An improvement in water resource management is anticipated, which would benefit local communities, especially in regions prone to droughts or floods, ensuring more reliable and sustainable water access.

• Environmental Impact: A significant contribution to environmental conservation is expected through the reduction of unsustainable water extractions and by improving climate change adaptation through more resilient systems.
Sustainable Development Goals
Goal 3: Good Health and Well-beingGoal 9: Industry, Innovation and InfrastructureGoal 17: Partnerships to achieve the GoalGoal 6: Clean Water and SanitationGoal 13: Climate ActionGoal 15: Life on LandGoal 7: Affordable and Clean EnergyGoal 16: Peace and Justice Strong InstitutionsGoal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

Partner Sought

Expected Role of a Partner
The partner sought is an organisation acting as the lead partner of the consortium and able to coordinate and implement projects aimed at applying advanced telemetry solutions and water management models, using digital technologies such as Big Data and AI.

Additionally, the lead partner will facilitate the integration of studies on the impact of climate change on water resources and improve energy efficiency throughout the water cycle.
Type and Size of Partner
Big companyOtherR&D InstitutionSME 11-49SME 50 - 249SME <=10University
Type of partnership
Research and development cooperation agreement

Call details

Framework program
Call title and identifier
Framework Progamme: Interreg NEXT MED

Call Name / Identifier: First call
Anticipated project budget
Coordinator required
Deadline for EoI
Deadline of the call
Project duration in weeks
Web link to the call


Technology keywords
02008008 - Water Transport010002009 - Water Pollution / Treatment10004002 - Municipal Water Treatment10004008 - Water Resources Management
Market keywords
02007004 - Program development tools/languages02007002 - Database and file management02007016 - Artificial intelligence related software02006005 - Big data management
Targeted countries
All countries