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Spanish machine learning solutions develoment company, specialized in alternative energy prediction processes, looks for partners willing to collaborate under r&d or technology with commercial assistance agreements.


Profile Type
Technology offer
POD Reference
Term of Validity
26 September 2023 - 25 September 2024
Company's Country
Type of partnership
Research and development cooperation agreementCommercial agreement with technical assistance
Targeted Countries
All countries
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General information

Short Summary
Spanish company focused in digital optimization solutions based in AI/machine learning technologies oriented to alternative energy predictive solutions, seeks for alternative energy innovation agents willing to ameliorate their production or commercialization units co-developing new predictive solutions under r&d or commercial with technical assistance agreements.
Full Description
The Madrid based Spanish company, has recently initiated its activities. Founded by applied mathematics experienced researchers at Madrid Polytechnic University UPM and Universidad Complutense de Madrid, UCM, the company has already developed a set of renewable energy prediction solutions, which have proven to provide optimal results for its clients. The company’s solutions are based in new applications of convolutional neural networks and machine learning developments regarding numerical weather prediction models and processes considered for renewable energy production and distribution systems.

Alternative energy systems, data driven innovations are closely related to energy production and price forecasting, as this critical key data based processes directly links with business value. Accurate forecasting is becoming a pivotal issue to ensure effective management. Integration, analysis and security of this strategic data process under an optimal workflow is turning into an essential differentiation activity among companies (distribution system operators, transmission operators…) in the sector.
System predictions often rely on diverse data sources, including meteorological data, energy consumption patterns, grid performance data, and more; depending on the forecasting period, the algorithms and methodology chosen, the generation forecast accuracy will vary. Energy generation is closely related to energy pricing in modern energy markets, this way, the costs of over- or under contracting and then selling or buying power in the balancing markets often leads to impactful financial gain or losses.

Innovations regarding new AI based decision tools capable to provide reliable forecasts take time to be developed. The company process has taken four years of research, design and prototyping before their solutions/predictors have been brought into the market. Milestones and stages were done in collaboration with the Spanish electrical grid Transmission system operators (TSO) Red Eléctrica Española, (REE). Company predictors have been tested with real data and have proven to beat the best available predictors in the market. The technology is nowadays fully customized and in used at REE.

Partners for their technology are sought within the renewable energy industry sector. Agents as wind and solar farm managers, large vertically integrated companies as well as energy traders, asset managers or network operators; willing to ameliorate the output and results of their installations, systems or operations; through innovative solutions or new co-developments are sought to collaborate under r&d or commercial with technical assistance agreements.
Advantages and Innovations
Forecast predictors as AI based tools represent a digital innovation trend in the alternative energy sector. As chief data officers and new profiles are being incorporated cross sectors, in companies dealing with sensitive data process stages were data assets are considered strategical; new approaches and methods are also being developed considering different infrastructures and software architectures, where data analysis and security items in general, and accuracy, reliability, adaptability and periodicity in particular.

The company’s solution has been developed during four years, and has already been tested and validated by important clients.

As a product under a SaaS business model, the solution offers the same delivery advantages that the one offered by its competitors, advantages are to be found mainly in the applied machine learning and algorithms development methodology and its validated results. Further advantages are the team accumulated experience, its change oriented mentality, their sector understanding and its flexibility and adaptation to customers’ demands. Response times, accuracy and reliability terms are set under a milestone achievement, evidence proof framework, depending of client requirements. Clients can test the solution prior to a customization
Stage of Development
Already on the market
Sustainable Development Goals
Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and InfrastructureGoal 11: Sustainable Cities and CommunitiesGoal 7: Affordable and Clean EnergyGoal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
IPR description
Partners sought will preferably have good experience and knowledge of the alternative energy value chain, production, commercialization operations, and be willing to innovate regarding new digitalization process and solutions developed through data driven solutions, from big data, machine learning and AI tools. Innovative agents with expertise in digital innovation projects, demo and tester intermediaries are also welcome.

Partner Sought

Expected Role of a Partner
Partners expected role is to collaborate in AI's and machine learning's data driven digital solutions for alternative energy related agents (managers, operators, smart-grid coordinators....). Partnership activities will depend on its value/supply chain positioning and scope, but in general activities will prioritize coordination, demo and testing for already developed solutions or design, , co-development, testing, demo, or integration in cases of new solutions research and development.
Type and Size of Partner
UniversitySME 11-49R&D InstitutionSME 50 - 249OtherBig companySME <=10
Type of partnership
Research and development cooperation agreementCommercial agreement with technical assistance

Call details

Coordinator required


Technology keywords
01003006 - Computer Software01004011 - Maintenance Management System01003003 - Artificial Intelligence (AI)01004012 - Operation Planning and Scheduler System
Market keywords
006005001 - Solar energy06003003 - Wind energy06010003 - Energy for Industry06009 - Energy Distribution
Sector Groups Involved
Renewable EnergyDigitalEnergy-Intensive Industries
Targeted countries
All countries