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A Spanish plastic recycling specialist company is seeking a mechanical recycling plant capable of recycling polyamide 6 fishing nets, ropes, and gear, along with density-based separation of polypropylene, polyethylene, and polyamide materials


Profile Type
Technology request
POD Reference
Term of Validity
27 February 2024 - 26 February 2025
Company's Country
Type of partnership
Investment agreementCommercial agreement with technical assistance
Targeted Countries
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General information

Short Summary
The sought-after technology entails a recycling plant capable of mechanically processing polyamide 6 fishing nets, ropes, and gear, as well as polyamide 66 materials, while also conducting density-based separation of polypropylene, polyethylene, and polyamide."
Full Description
This Spanish company is deeply committed to sustainability, particularly in the realm of ocean conservation. They prioritize the ocean in their decision-making processes, striving to develop innovative and collaborative solutions to address pressing environmental issues.

Focus on Marine Sustainability:
Their core mission revolves around marine sustainability. They are dedicated to finding novel and collective approaches to cleanse the ocean, while also seeking to redefine how businesses can generate value through environmentally responsible practices.

Traceability and Transparency:
Transparency is fundamental to their operations. By demonstrating their methods for cleaning the sea and repurposing waste, they ensure that their actions are visible and measurable. This commitment to transparency extends across all their endeavors, from waste collection to the creation of sustainable products.

Fostering Cooperation:
They firmly believe in the power of collaboration. Through active engagement with companies, fishermen, partners, and members of society, they can effectively tackle global challenges. Collaboration is ingrained in every aspect of their work, from ideation to implementation.

Continuous Innovation:
Innovation is the driving force behind their progress. They continuously strive to develop new technologies and strategies to enhance their capacity for ocean cleaning and protection. They encourage a culture of experimentation and creative thinking to fuel their endeavors.

Commitment to Community:
They understand the significance of empowering local communities. They actively collaborate with fishermen and coastal communities, providing them with economic opportunities and promoting environmental awareness among future generations.

At This Spanish Company, their vision is to create a world where oceans flourish in harmony with humanity. They are dedicated to leading the charge towards a more sustainable future, ensuring a clean and vibrant ocean for generations to come.

The goal is to enhance the recyclability percentage of the materials and plastics recovered from the sea and ports, in collaboration with traditional fishermen. While mechanical recycling of polyethylene and polypropylene has been achieved through manual separation, a solution for polyamide is still being sought. Additionally, there is a search for the development of a project to separate all retrieved materials in a single tank. Partnerships with experts, companies, technological centers, or any relevant entities are being pursued to support this effort
Advantages and Innovations
This innovative company engages in collaborative efforts with fishermen and divers to remove plastic from the sea and ports, promoting environmental sustainability. By leveraging Blockchain technology, they accurately measure and track the impact of their actions, ensuring transparency and accountability. Transforming marine plastic into sustainable products not only closes the loop of the circular economy but also generates value for impactful projects. This approach not only mitigates marine pollution but also fosters social responsibility by supporting local communities. Through these initiatives, the company enhances its brand reputation while contributing to positive environmental and social outcomes.
Stage of Development
Already on the market
Sustainable Development Goals
Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and InfrastructureGoal 14: Life Below WaterGoal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
IPR description
Technical expertise in mechanical recycling including shredding, washing, drying, and extrusion processes for polyethylenes, polypropylene, and polyamides.
Capability to process between 500 and 1000 tons annually.
Operational development stage preferred, or scalable test trials conducted.

Partner Sought

Expected Role of a Partner
In our quest to find a suitable partner, we are seeking an entity with extensive expertise and knowledge in recycled plastics, materials, and recycling processes, particularly related to the specific requirements of our search for a recycling plant. The expected role of the partner would be multifaceted and pivotal to the success of our endeavor.

First and foremost, the partner should possess deep insights and experience in the field of recycled plastics, including an in-depth understanding of various types of plastics, their properties, and their applications. This expertise is crucial in evaluating the technical capabilities of potential recycling plants and ensuring that they can effectively process the materials in question – polyamide 6 fishing nets, ropes, and gear, as well as polyamide 66 materials.

Furthermore, we are looking for a partner who is well-versed in recycling technologies and processes, particularly mechanical recycling methods. Their knowledge in this area will be instrumental in assessing the suitability of recycling plants for our needs, particularly their ability to mechanically recycle polyamide materials and conduct density-based separation of plastics, such as polypropylene, polyethylene, and polyamide.

Additionally, the partner should bring valuable insights into the sustainability and environmental impact of recycling processes. They should be able to provide guidance on best practices for sustainable recycling and help us evaluate the environmental credentials of potential partners and their facilities.

Beyond technical expertise, we value a partner who is collaborative, proactive, and committed to our shared goals of promoting sustainability and combating plastic pollution. They should be willing to actively engage with us throughout the partnership, offering support, advice, and guidance as needed.

Overall, the ideal partner will play a crucial role in guiding us through the process of identifying and selecting a suitable recycling plant, ensuring that it meets our technical requirements, sustainability goals, and commitment to environmental responsibility. Together, we aim to make meaningful strides towards a more sustainable future, one plastic recycling plant at a time.
Type and Size of Partner
SME 50 - 249Other
Type of partnership
Investment agreementCommercial agreement with technical assistance

Call details

Coordinator required


Technology keywords
10003003 - Land and Sea Disposal010002002 - Biodiversity10004009 - Marine Environment10004010 - Hydrology
Market keywords
08004004 - Other pollution and recycling related
Sector Groups Involved
Maritime Industries and ServicesProximity & Social Economy
Targeted countries