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A Start-up manufacturer of a manipulator positioner is seeking a business partner, most preferably a dealer of tools and tooling equipment, to present, promote and distribute their innovative product especially in the markets of Northern Europe.


Profile Type
Business Offer
POD Reference
Term of Validity
13 June 2024 - 13 June 2025
Company's Country
Type of partnership
Commercial agreement
Targeted Countries
All countries
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General information

Short Summary
An innovative Start-up produces a positioner manipulator with a payload of 250 Kg and three movements (clockwise and counterclockwise rotation, ascent and descent, inclination up to 90° on the operator side) to position workpieces to be processed and allow the operator in any industry branch to work in an optimal position considering safety, ergonomics and technique. The Company is seeking business partners to promote and distribute their product especially in the markets of Northern Europe.
Full Description
Created for a need in a mould-making Company that had to handle inserts and mould components with a certain shape and weight, which required a lot of time and was not always carried out safely, the manipulator positioner aims to expand the fields of application by responding to the request for a reduction in processing times and striving to achieve total operator safety. The technical performance characteristics are the simplicity of its controls and the consequent ease of positioning the workpiece, which can weigh up to 250 Kg, in a comfortable and safe position for the operator.
Simple and intuitive to use, with a lot of possibilities for gripping and fixing the workpiece on the table, it is equipped with a push-button panel with three buttons that control the three motors for the three movements of ascent and descent, clockwise and counterclockwise rotation, inclination up to 90° on the operator side.
Built in accordance with the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC it is mainly used in those branches where there are pieces to be positioned to perform a lot of processes, to name a few, to perform or complete drilling, threading, deburring, polishing, assembly of electrical motors, vehicle motors, household appliances, welding, painting and it also serves as a support for light detection tests.
The positioner is ideal for workpieces that have complex configurations of shape and in critical positions because it gives the possibility of making all shapes and details reachable in an ideal ergonomic position.
It improves production needs by placing the operator in the ideal operating position of his choice. According to statistics, handling and positioning times are reduced by 80%.
Placing the workpieces in the desired position avoids strains and muscle sprains, considerably reducing the risk of injury. According to research of a medical practice, the use of the manipulator reduces the risk of spinal injuries to the point of elimination. Since it keeps the workpiece fixed to the table during handling, it also avoids the danger of crushing.
It is possible to create an operating island equipped with tools and accessories in a flexible way: extractor fan, lamp, magnifying glass, screen to visualize the configuration of the workpiece, a framework on which various tools can be placed (for example screwdriver, digger, threader), drawers and containers to deposit objects useful to the operator. The idea is to create a modular workstation, that can be integrated and customized for individual needs.
Advantages and Innovations
Compared to the traditional system in which it is the operator who adapts to the workpiece, with this positioner manipulator it is the workpiece that adapts to the operator's needs.
With the use of the manipulator positioner, there have been significant reductions in spinal injuries, the most frequent type in manual work, as demonstrated by research commissioned by the manufacturer itself to a specialized medical practice.
The positioner manipulator, with its handling power for the purposes mentioned above, operates in total safety as the three movements of the table of ascent and descent, inclination and rotation with three anti-reversibility motors, allow the piece to be worked on five faces in the ideal position for the correct posture of the operator both standing and sitting. This allows a time saving in handling up to 80% compared to a traditional manual handling without the proposed system and 30% of processing times. Its ease of use and handling allows the inclusion of personnel with motor disabilities in the work.
Built in compliance with the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC, it is part of those projects that reduce the risk of handling loads and make workplaces more inclusive and safer for workers.

Look for an experienced partner with whom to create a reliable and profitable partnership.
The ideal business partner should be a multi-brand dealer of tools and tooling equipment, with an already established and solid business, who can promote the product and distribute it in their country/region of reference and expertise. Target area: Northern Europe (preferably Germany, Sweden, Norway, Finland).
Stage of Development
Already on the market
Sustainable Development Goals
Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic GrowthGoal 9: Industry, Innovation and InfrastructureGoal 3: Good Health and Well-being

Partner Sought

Expected Role of a Partner
Promotion and distribution of the product to their already loyal customers.
Search for new customers to whom the manipulator positioner can be proposed.
Availability to carry out presentations and practical tests at potential customers’ premises to explain the operation and illustrate the advantages of the manipulator positioner.
Type and Size of Partner
SME <=10SME 11-49
Type of partnership
Commercial agreement

Call details

Coordinator required


Technology keywords
02002009 - Machine Tools01001001 - Automation, Robotics Control Systems06005001 - Safety & systems
Market keywords
08002004 - Robotics08003001 - Machine tools, other metal working equipment (excl. numeric control)
Targeted countries
All countries