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A team of inventors from an established Slovak scientific and research institute has developed large area radiation detector and is looking for a licensees/investor/buyer


Profile Type
Technology offer
POD Reference
Term of Validity
17 May 2024 - 17 May 2025
Company's Country
Type of partnership
Commercial agreement with technical assistanceInvestment agreement
Targeted Countries
All countries
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General information

Short Summary
A team of inventors from an established Slovak scientific and research institute has developed a novel large area detector of low-activity radiation. Its construction enables the use of lower quality input semiconductor for production, which expands the application possibilities and at the same time allows a more accurate measurement result, while also reducing the amount of control electronics.
The preferred cooperation type are commercial agreement or investment agreement.
Full Description
When measuring radiation with very low intensity, it is important that the detector has the largest possible detection area and the largest possible volume. The larger the area and volume of the detector, the more particles are captured and the faster the necessary data is obtained. On the other hand, with increasing area and volume of the detector, the noise also increases, which considerably limits the use of the detector. The quality of the detector depends very much on the quality (purity) of the semiconductor substrate. In this case, therefore, it is not possible to prepare large area detectors in a conventional manner, i.e. by applying one active electrode to the semiconductor substrate. The larger the area of the active electrode, the greater the probability that there will be local defects below it in the active layer, which will cause the degradation of the detector properties to the extent that the detector will be practically unusable. In addition, with increasing electrode area, basic detector parameters such as energy resolution, total noise, stability and also overall production yield are degraded. At present, this problem is solved by dividing the large area electrode into small pixels (usually hundreds of µm), each pixel of which is connected to the reading electronics. Finally, a circuit is made that adds all the signals together. In this way, a relatively large detector can be made. However, since each pixel must have control electronics, this increases the cost as well as the power requirements. This approach is also expensive and not always appropriate. At the same time, it has the disadvantage regarding the accuracy of measurement. Individual pixels cannot be detached. Also, the direct connection of the reading chip to the detection part of the semiconductor causes direct heat transfer from the reading chip to the detection part.
A team of inventors from an established Slovak scientific and research institute has developed an innovative large area detector, which is less complicated, affordable, has higher yield, better parameters compared to state of the art detectors, and which has extended application possibilities, especially in the case of lower quality of the active layer of the semiconductor substrate. The design of the large area detector makes it possible to exclude from the overall connection the areas under which the defects are located in the substrate. The total area of the active electrode is up to 100 cm2. The institute is looking for a partners to cooperate with via commercial agreement or via investment agreement.
Advantages and Innovations
- possibility to use lower quality semiconductor materials (CdTe, GaAs, CdZnTe, SiC, InP, etc.),
- more precise measurement result (unaffected by defective areas),
- simpler construction,
- higher production yield,
- the result is obtained directly, without the need to correct the measured values,
- significant financial savings during operation,
- reduction of demands on the amount of control electronics for reading the detector,
- possibility to connect to only one reading unit (instead of a large number),
- each produced large area detector is functional, only the total detecthe total detection area is reduced (approx. by 10 – 30%)
Stage of Development
Available for demonstration
Sustainable Development Goals
Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and InfrastructureGoal 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal

Partner Sought

Expected Role of a Partner
The large area radiation detector can be used in nuclear energetics (spectrometry, dosimetry) or wherever there are sources of ionizing radiation of natural or artificial nature. The large area detector can also be used in space applications.
The institute is looking for partners to cooperate with via investment agreement (an investor to the further develop this technology of this technology is sought or a partner to sell this technology to is sought) or commercial agreement (a partner for licensing of this technology is sought).
Type and Size of Partner
SME 50 - 249Big company
Type of partnership
Commercial agreement with technical assistanceInvestment agreement

Call details

Coordinator required


Technology keywords
10001005 - Radiation Protection
Market keywords
03008004 - Other electronics related (including alarm systems)03007002 - Other measuring devices
Targeted countries
All countries