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A Turkish Textile Company Looking for Digital Printing Technology to set up in its Production Line


Profile Type
  • Business request
POD Reference
Term of Validity
4 December 2024 - 4 December 2025
Company's Country
  • Turkey
Type of partnership
  • Supplier agreement
  • Investment agreement
Targeted Countries
  • All countries
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General information

Short Summary
An experienced Turkish manufacturer that produces hometextiles espacially towels and bathrobes, and has a wide product range including throws, blankets and bed linens
Full Description
The company was founded in 1994 in Denizli as one of the reputed manufacturer and exporter of home textiles company of Turkey based on its experience more than 70 years old experience in textile sector. The company has a great reputation in the field of weaving and garment sectors; while producing towels, beach towels, kitchen towels, bathrobes, children's group, slippers, bedspreads, blankets, shawls, bed linen, bath group, represents our country in the best way by exporting.

The company has 20000 m² work areas. 12000 m² is designated as weaving and the remaining 8000 m² is designated as confection units. The company has 250 employees in total and weaving capacity 1500 tons dobby fabrics and 1000 tons jacquard fabrics annually. The company never make concessions from its standart quality, trust and consistency for presenting always the best and to be always open to development as main principle. The company has adopted a customer-oriented approach in connection with today`s quality standards, customer requirements and changing living conditions with strong capital, importance of human resources and respecting to environment and the company has integrated the motto of work with 'we produce value'.
Advantages and Innovations
The company has weaving and confection factories, and glad to develop products from many different yarns, including cotton, wool blends, synthetic blends and yarns with different technical advantages like antimicrobial, and quick dry.
Stage of Development
  • Already on the market
Sustainable Development Goals
  • Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
  • Goal 5: Gender Equality
  • Goal 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal
  • Goal 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
  • Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
IPR description
The company is open to accept technical R&D focussed on textile production line - weaving and confection-. The main aim is to have methods of minimizing the production time.
All kind of machines and computer software's can be offered especially increasing production speed and efficiency of weaving and confection line.

Partner Sought

Expected Role of a Partner
The company looks for an experienced company, especially working in textile printing technologies. The company has a considerable amount of dijital printed production and wants to build printing line in-house
Type and Size of Partner
  • SME 50 - 249
  • SME <=10
  • Big company
  • SME 11-49
Type of partnership
  • Supplier agreement
  • Investment agreement


Technology keywords
  • 02003001 - Process automation
  • 02004 - Plant Design and Maintenance
  • 03005003 - Dyeing related to Textiles Technology
Market keywords
  • 09004003 - Textiles (synthetic and natural)
Sector Groups Involved
  • Textiles
Targeted countries
  • All countries