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A Ukrainian university offers services for forecasting and prevention of emergencies in hydraulic drives and lubrication systems of industrial complexes based on a commercial agreement


Profile Type
Business Offer
POD Reference
Term of Validity
27 June 2022 - 26 June 2024
Company's Country
Type of partnership
Commercial agreement
Targeted Countries
All countries
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General information

Short Summary
A Ukrainian university offers services for the analysis and forecasting of emergencies, development of recommendations, methods, devices and equipment for their prevention and mitigation of consequences (including those of especially large scale) by studying extreme operating modes of hydraulic systems and hydraulic equipment. They offer long-term cooperation with potential partners, enterprises of mining and metallurgical complex based on a commercial agreement.
Full Description
The Ukrainian University from Kharkiv city has the equipment, special techniques and highly qualified specialists for conducting research, analysis, forecasting and prevention of emergencies in hydraulic drives and lubrication systems of metallurgical, mining and ore processing complexes and offers:
1. A complex of equipment and devices, as well as components for a monitoring system. The equipment complex includes devices and products intended for the diagnosis of hydraulic drives, hydraulic lubrication systems, equipment for monitoring, maintaining and ensuring the required operational parameters, including temperature conditions, transitional regulatory processes, properties and characteristics of working fluids.
2. Expert assessment and development of a manual for the operation and repair of hydraulic machines and hydraulic systems by the requirements of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).
3. Architectural supervision of installation, implementation and commissioning of equipment; training of customer representatives to implement recommendations, technical proposals, methods and equipment for the prevention and mitigation of the consequences of accidents.
4. Development of software, teaching materials and equipment for educational and engineering centers for training staff on specially designed programs, with the issuance of certificates.
Patents of Ukraine for utility models protect separate designs. The equipment was introduced at several leading enterprises in Ukraine.
The university is interested in establishing long-term cooperation with potential partners (metallurgical, mining and processing complexes) based on a commercial agreement, as well as training specialists in this field.
Advantages and Innovations
- The comprehensive, systematic, statement of the problem including conducting special studies of scientific research, development, manufacturing, testing and putting products into production;
- The availability of special certified equipment that allows one to diagnose the operating modes of hydraulic drives, hydraulic lubrication systems, monitor, maintain and provide the required operating parameters, including temperature conditions; transitional regulatory processes; properties and characteristics of working fluids, etc.;
- High professionalism, the highest qualification of performers with special education confirmed by relevant documents and the quality of the services provided based on which guarantee obligations are provided;
- Rich experience covering the entire process of analysis of possible emergencies and development of methods for their prevention and elimination;
- The use of proven approaches that have shown effectiveness in cooperation with leading enterprises of the industrial complex of Ukraine.
Stage of Development
Already on the market
Sustainable Development Goals
Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

Partner Sought

Expected Role of a Partner
Metallurgical, mining and ore processing complexes, industrial and business companies interested in improving the safety of hydraulic drives and lubrication systems at their facilities. Services are provided in the form of a commercial agreement.
Type and Size of Partner
Big companySME 50 - 249SME 11-49
Type of partnership
Commercial agreement

Call details

Coordinator required


Technology keywords
02007009 - Materials Handling Technology (solids, fluids, gases)02009022 - Security systems02010001 - Planning and security
Market keywords
06002004 - Hydro-electric08003003 - Mining machinery09003001 - Engineering services08003007 - Other industrial equipment and machinery
Targeted countries
All countries