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A University in Türkiye is seeking Project Partner for Fabrication Of High Power Boron And Activated Carbon Based Hybrid Supercapacitor Module For Electric Vehicles


Profile Type
  • Research & Development Request
POD Reference
Term of Validity
11 April 2024 - 11 April 2025
Company's Country
  • Turkey
Type of partnership
  • Research and development cooperation agreement
Targeted Countries
  • All countries
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General information

Short Summary
The main objective of the mEraNet proposal is to develop light-weight hybrid supercapacitor stack architecture for utilization in advanced future electric vehicle applications. In the first part of the project, nano-sized boron based particles with various morphologies, such as plate, spherical or rod shape and sizes will be synthesized using a cost-effective solgel technique. After that, the obtained particles will be used as positive electrodes in a designed hybrid supercapacitor stack module.
Full Description
A University in Türkiye seeking a Project partner for mEraNet Project. The main aim of this project is to develop lightweight hybrid supercapacitor stack architecture for utilisation in advanced future electric vehicle applications. In the proposed work, the partner of Türkiye will synthesize low-cost nano-sized boron-based particles, and the other partner who is from South Korea, will fabricate the supercapacitor electrodes and examine their electrochemicals. Finally, based on the optimised electrode composition and structure, a hybrid supercapacitor stack module will be manufactured.
The supercapacitors will be investigated with half-cell studies and full-cell devices by following techniques; Cyclic voltammetry (CV), Galvanostatic charge-discharge cycles (GCD), Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and long-term capacity retention studies (Cyclic stability). Finally, all the related data on the relations between the properties of the boron-based electrode materials and the final properties of the supercapacitors will be correlated. By this way, electrochemical investigations on the supercapacitor module based on boron-based electrodes for high power systems will be reported.
To the best of our knowledge, the development of a boron-based supercapacitor stack system is proposed for the first time. This project will allow many synergies between the universities in South Korea and Turkey to form and will establish long-term relationships for collaboration. The successful completion of the work will pave way for the commercialization of supercapacitor stack for real-time portable and energy storage applications. As well as dissemination to the academic community, the collaborating members of this project will also communicate their work to wider public. Proposed activities are listed as follows:
1. Synthesis of nanostructured boron based particles with various morphologies (polyhedral-equiaxed, fiber and plate etc..) and sizes (<100nm) using a cost effective and environmentally friendly sol-gel technique.
2. Tailoring the crystalline and electronic structure of boron based particles by atom doping and defect engineering.
3. Development of novel nanostructured boron based nanoparticles as electrode materials for supercapacitors through various physiochemical and electrochemical characterizations.
4. Fabrication and electrochemical studies of high-performance hybrid supercapacitor using boron and oxygen, nitrogen, and sulfur enriched activated carbon (O, N, S@AC) based nanoparticles.
5. Expanding the operating potential window of fabricated hybrid-supercapacitors by using different ion (K, Na, and Li etc) conducting polymer based solid-state gel-electrolytes to get energy density of 120-150 Wh/kg and power density of >80 kW/kg.
6. Design and development of hybrid supercapacitor stack module for high power systems including electrical vehicles and portable storage devices.
Advantages and Innovations
Widespread use of electric vehicles (EVs) could contribute to the reduction of these carbon emissions; however, the uptake of EVs has been limited, in part because they offer an uneconomic cost/performance tradeoff, principally due to the high cost of replacing the battery pack during the life of the vehicles. One possible solution is to hybridize battery EVs with onboard supercapacitors. Supercapacitors acting as part of a hybrid vehicle system can provide high bursts of power even when the vehicle’s battery capabilities have decreased due to a low state of charge (SOC). Maintaining the damage to batteries, particularly from the high peak power requirement of the vehicle, may extend the batteries’ lifetime. A supercapacitor stack (SB), made up of full-cell devices connected in series and in parallel and featuring appropriate parameters of energy density and power density with high charging-discharging efficiency and affordable cost, appears to be a suitable device to support the energy source of an electrically propelled vehicle, thus providing optimised energy management. The growth of the supercapacitor business is being accelerated by new priorities driven by a wider range of potentially large applications and the optimisation of new matched materials. Real innovation of the proposal relies on (a) the synthesis of nanostructured boron based particles with various morphologies and sizes using a cost effective and environmentally friendly sol-gel technique, (b) development of novel nanostructured boron based particles as electrode materials for supercapacitors through various physiochemical and electrochemical characterizations.
Stage of Development
  • Lab tested
Sustainable Development Goals
  • Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
IPR description
SMEs involving supercapacitor applications and device manufacturers, Research centers working on supercapacitor performance assessment, and device manufacturers

Partner Sought

Expected Role of a Partner
The successful completion of the work will pave way to the commercialization of supercapacitor stack for real time portable and energy storage applications. Therefore we are seeking stake holders for commercialization and dissemination of project outcomes.
Type and Size of Partner
  • SME <=10
  • SME 50 - 249
  • SME 11-49
Type of partnership
  • Research and development cooperation agreement

Call details

Framework program
  • Nanosciences, nanotechnologies, materiels &amp; new production technologies
Call title and identifier
The M-ERA.NET Call 2024
Coordinator required
Deadline for EoI
Deadline of the call


Technology keywords
  • 02007022 - Conductive materials
  • 02007024 - Nanomaterials
Market keywords
  • 08001010 - Semiconductor materials (e.g. silicon wafers)
  • 03002 - Batteries
  • 06008 - Energy Storage
Sector Groups Involved
  • Renewable Energy
Targeted countries
  • All countries