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Enterprise Europe Network
  • Success story article
  • 1 February 2015

From market stall to new markets for sausage-maker

The Enterprise Europe Network, which brings together some 600 business support organisations from more than 50 countries, working with around 3,000 people, helps small companies like Berousek’s B&B Flash Food Service Ltd. make the most of opportunities in the EU’s single market.

The Centre for Regional Development of the Czech Republic (CRD CR), the Enterprise Europe Network branch in Prague, had been working with Berousek for some time, providing consultancy services. “We helped him with legal details about selling in markets abroad,” says the centre’s contact Eva Hrubešová.

In early 2011, Enterprise Europe Network partner, Industrie und Handelskammer (IHK) Magdeburg in Germany, contacted the CRD CR to identify clients for their three-day ‘Europe-Market’. “These events are very successful both with the traders and the people who come to see and buy what’s on offer,” says Dieter Dömland of IHK. The CRD CR researched which companies wanted to get involved and found that Berousek was interested but needed assistance.

Hrubesova smoothed the way for Berousek, who speaks only Czech, to secure his participation. Working with IHK, she developed a bespoke questionnaire which detailed, for example, information about the market stand; VAT and registration issues; hygiene requirements; product restrictions; issues related to the provision of cross-border services; accommodation tips; insurance issues; and contact details for relevant authorities e.g. municipalities, hygiene stations etc. With this information at hand, Berousek hired a Czech-German speaking person to help him deal with the authorities and on-the-spot customers.

The 2011 Europe-Market was a starter for Mr Berousek and proved the popularity of his products among German people. The Network’s involvement was instrumental to his success. “We greatly appreciated the Network’s help and advice,” says Berousek. “The collaboration between the Czech and German partners was excellent. I didn’t have to do anything except turn up at the market and sell my goods.” Berousek has since been a regular participant of the Europe-Market in Magdeburg and other markets in Germany. He is currently expanding his range to include pastries and baked goods.

In 2013, he was awarded the best seller of the Magdeburg’s Europe-Market. His products are extremely popular among the people of Magdeburg and the organisers are pleased to welcome him every year.