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Enterprise Europe Network
Success story article28 April 2016

On a mission to make elderly patients more mobile at home

Innovative patient lift

A Greek SME gains a Czech distributor for its innovative mobility aid thanks to the Enterprise Europe Network.

Helping people with disabilities is not just a business for family owned Veziris Healthcare, it’s also a personal mission. Inspired by their own family story. the company has been specialising in the field of mobility and physiotherapy since 1994.

“My aunt has multiple sclerosis, so we were always sensitive to people with disabilities and we somehow knew what their basic needs might be,” said Emmanuel Veziris, who oversees international sales and marketing for Veziris Healthcare.

An innovation is born

In 1998, the SME pioneered a mobility aid called BodyUpEvolution, a lightweight, easy-to-assemble patient lift that works as an indoor wheelchair with interchangeable seats for the shower and toilet. As well as being versatile for the user, the device requires no electricity or muscular effort by the carer.

Although the family began exporting to a few countries in 2011, it lacked reliable distribution partners in Europe.

Finding the right match

After hearing about the Enterprise Europe Network business matchmaking successes, Emmanuel went to Cristina Pascual at the National Documentation Centre –Enterprise Europe Network Hellas.

Using the Network’s business database, Cristina was able to showcase the company and product to thousands of businesses and identify several potential distributors. One that immediately stood out was Stamed s.r.o., a specialised Czech importer and distributor of medical equipment for elderly people.

Behind the scenes in the Czech Republic, Enterprise Europe Network adviser Lucie Pučeliková – based in BIC Plzen – had been working closely with Stamed who were keen to offer unique products that were not available in the Czech Republic. Naturally she had flagged up this new opportunity straight away.

Running start

The Network partners put the two companies in touch and since their first contact they have established a long-term cooperation. Stamed was convinced by the versatility of the product and is successfully supplying BodyUpEvolution to clients in both the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

“We would like to thank the Enterprise Europe Network for finding us a new business partner abroad that fulfilled our expectations,” said Michal Podzimek, Stamed’s sales and marketing director.

Emmanuel is equally grateful, and is in fact still working with Cristina to find more partners and promoting BodyUpEvolution through a Network-produced video.

“Our target is to introduce our innovation to as many markets as possible” he said. “We see the Network as a strategic partner to help us achieve that goal.”

© Photo: BodyUpEvolution