Success stories (3)
When Carlos Zúñiga had a heart attack, his family rallied to his side. The assistance of his wife, Esther Arnaiz, and daughters, Alicia and Cristina Zúñiga, helped in his recovery, and their efforts and those of an additional family member, Victoria Vega Arnaiz, laid the foundations of an innovative company - managed by three women - aimed at improving cardiac arrhythmia diagnosis and treatment for countless patients.
Pedestrians are no match for moving vehicles. They are the victims in about 20 % of global road traffic deaths and, unfortunately, zebra crossings often provide a false sense of security.
Drive along any mountain road in the Mediterranean basin and you will be totally unaware of a rare commodity in your environment. The seeds of the prickly pear cactus, very common in these areas, are a source of oil used by women worldwide in their quest for radiant skin.