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Enterprise Europe Network
Life sciences USA
Doing business in the United States: what you need to know about the US life sciences ecosystem

Webinar | 20 JUNE 2024 16:00 - 17:00 CET

Embracing Global Markets Webinar Series

The webinar series ‘Embracing global markets’ supports European small and medium sized enterprises and start-ups to innovate and expand in Asia, Africa and the Americas. The webinars are hosted by experts of various European Commission services and the 'Enterprise Europe Network', the world's largest business service provider.

Who should attend?

The webinar aims at European small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), start-ups (ready to scale internationally), beneficiaries or holders of seals of excellence of the European Innovation Council, European clusters and cluster managers, business advisers of the Enterprise Europe Network and other European business support organisations, including all stakeholders of the ‘Friends of EEN’ initiative.


This webinar will focus on the US medtech/biotech sectors, life science marketplace and ecosystem and will provide insights into:

  • Is the US life science market different from the EU and if so how? 
  • Who are the players and what is the best way to engage them for a company coming from Europe?
  • Key legal issues to consider when entering or operating in the US medtech/life science market
  •  What you need to know about patent & IP?
  • What European medtech and biotech companies should know about the FDA approval process?
  • What are the key things you need to know about doing business in/with the US life science market?
  • Routes for US market entry (going through payor or B2C products)
  • Access to funding in the US life science market: challenges and new opportunities related to strategic refocus within market
  • How, when and where to raise venture or other funding in the United States?
  • Useful information on the environment of the health system market in the United States, engaging and partnering with US health systems


Yvonne Bendinger-Rothschild
  • Executive Director
European American Chamber of Commerce New York (EACCNY)

Yvonne focuses on promoting an active transatlantic discourse and to engage the business communities on both sides in a meaningful dialog, to create profitable partnerships and to provide a professional platform to exchange ideas.
Edward Meagher
  • Partner
Carter, DeLuca & Farrell LLP

Edward has over 24 years experience in securing the IP rights of U.S. and foreign businesses. He has expertise in all phases of U.S. and international patent, trademark, trade secret and copyright prosecution.
Jérôme Geoffroy
  • Chief Financial Officer & Chief Digital Officer

Jérôme has 20 years of experience in finance and business transformation in the life science industry and an outstanding record of leadership in capital raising including IPO, investor relations, strategic planning and organisation scale-up.
Joshua John
  • Director of Business Strategy & Operations
Northwell Health

John is an experienced healthcare leader with a demonstrated history of working in both clinical and leadership roles within the hospital & healthcare industry.
Thomas Steiert
  • Project Adviser
European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA)

Thomas is an experienced adviser for business services in the Single Market Programme/SME Pillar/Internal Market and Support to Standardisation unit.
Sign up for upcoming webinars

Check Embracing Global Markets Webinar Series page for more information