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Enterprise Europe Network


Blog (24)

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Blog | 11 Apr 2022

Enterprise Europe Network supports small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) on their path to green business models and sustainable initiatives. The Danish SME Nortech Solutions is a case in point. With the Network’s aid, Nortech teamed up with a Czech company to launch a successful green business in 2019. Fast-forward to today, the Network’s sustainability advisers are helping small businesses develop strategies that build long-term value and reduce risk.


Blog | 2 Mar 2022

Africagua Canarias is an international business event connecting Africa with Europe and the wider world on key themes such as water, renewable energies, and climate resilience. The Enterprise Europe Network Partners in the Canary Islands play an essential role in the initiative by fostering interactions between companies and professionals worldwide.


Blog | 31 Jan 2022

We all love a fresh cup of coffee to kick-start the day, but have you ever wondered what impact this daily habit has on the environment? Read along to find out how the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) supports the French start-up Kabioca on its journey to sustainable and eco-responsible coffee production from farm to cup.

Blog | 29 Oct 2021

The South-East Europe region is one of the fastest-growing in Europe. It is marked by overall macroeconomic stability featured by low inflation, low budget deficit and stable public debt. These economies are continuously improving the business environment, offering a favourable cost structure – characterised by comparatively low labour and utility costs, and a favourable tax regime. The location provides easy connectivity for trade and transportation, with a great position to serve the markets of the EU, Russia, the Middle East and Northern Africa.


Blog | 20 Apr 2021

"Never waste a crisis", it is sometimes said. The Enterprise Europe Network experienced this first-hand when the coronavirus took hold of the world. We made changes at lightning speed to keep our professional Network active. And the results were impressive! Entrepreneurs did not feel abandoned. Supporting and connecting people, even at the height of the storm: this is the strength of our Network!

Blog | 23 Mar 2021

Green is the new black. There are no doubts about it. We’ve all heard the slogans and buzzwords, but we might still be wondering, what does this really mean? How can companies get on board and go green, especially those working in specific sectors, like the building one, with their own distinct challenges? How do the latest sustainable solutions help deliver economic growth? What kind of help does the Enterprise Europe Network offer?

Blog | 26 Oct 2020

In line with the European Green Deal’s goal to improve people’s health, quality of life and care for nature, the Farm to Fork Strategy addresses an essential element for people well-being: food. European food is known to be of high quality and safety. Furthermore, European food and drink manufacturing enterprises – the majority of which are SMEs – export their products to more than 200 countries. This makes the EU the world’s largest exporter of food and drink products.

Katia Costa
By Katia Costa