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Enterprise Europe Network


Blog (27)

Showing results 20 to 27
Blog | 20 Apr 2021

"Never waste a crisis", it is sometimes said. The Enterprise Europe Network experienced this first-hand when the coronavirus took hold of the world. We made changes at lightning speed to keep our professional Network active. And the results were impressive! Entrepreneurs did not feel abandoned. Supporting and connecting people, even at the height of the storm: this is the strength of our Network!

Blog | 23 Mar 2021

Green is the new black. There are no doubts about it. We’ve all heard the slogans and buzzwords, but we might still be wondering, what does this really mean? How can companies get on board and go green, especially those working in specific sectors, like the building one, with their own distinct challenges? How do the latest sustainable solutions help deliver economic growth? What kind of help does the Enterprise Europe Network offer?

Blog | 22 Feb 2021

The Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) has been in place since autumn 2017. Three years into the Agreement, we can already see some of the huge benefits the Agreement has brought to European and Canadian Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs). German Network adviser Benno Weissner from ZENIT/NRW and Canadian Network adviser Katelyn Petersen guide you in discovering everything you need to know about CETA.

Katelyn Petersen and Benno Weissner
By Katelyn Petersen and Benno Weissner
Blog | 16 Nov 2020

There is a good chance that you and your employees are working from home due to Covid-19. This means you are likely to be more vulnerable to online attacks. By ransomware, for example. How does ransomware work? What can you do to protect yourself? Choose to be one step ahead of cyber criminals. As an entrepreneur, you can take a few precautions against ransomware. Here are our five tips to keep your business safe!

Liesbeth  Sparks and Herman Hartgers
By Liesbeth Sparks and Herman Hartgers
Blog | 26 Oct 2020

In line with the European Green Deal’s goal to improve people’s health, quality of life and care for nature, the Farm to Fork Strategy addresses an essential element for people well-being: food. European food is known to be of high quality and safety. Furthermore, European food and drink manufacturing enterprises – the majority of which are SMEs – export their products to more than 200 countries. This makes the EU the world’s largest exporter of food and drink products.

Katia Costa
By Katia Costa